Monday, August 22, 2011

Six Weeks To Go!

"Road racing is rock 'n roll; track is Carnegie Hall."
Marty Liquori

The World Championships in Daegu, South Korea begin this week. I also have my first tune-up race this Saturday, a half marathon. I would like to say that I'm excited for this race, but I'm more excited to watch the coverage of the World Championships on Universal. Road races can be exciting to watch and are definitely fun to participate in, but track really is the cream that rises to the top. I love watching the different racing tactics and seeing how the race plays out, especially at Worlds when the stakes are so high. It'll be interesting to see how much my marathon training will pay off in the spring. It's been soooo long since I've run a race on the track but I am very excited for the prospect of that actually happening. I'm getting ahead of myself though.

Anywhoo, I think I have the iron thing working for me. I really didn't know what to expect on my long run yesterday, but I ended up making it 19 miles. I actually felt good until about 17.5 and then I started to feel really bad. I didn't feel like carrying my water with me so I was probably more dehydrated than normal, and I couldn't stomach the shot bloks (I only had 4 for the whole run, which is the equivalent of one gel). I don't know why but I was not in the mood to eat those and I normally like them. But the good news is that I was able to make it that far without the low iron symptoms from last week. I hope if I can just take it easy again this week, things will fall into place for my race this weekend. That will be a huge confidence boost.

Monday off
Tuesday: 5 miles
Wednesday: 12 miles
Thursday: 5 miles
Friday: 4 miles AM/ 9 miles PM (w/ 4 mile tempo 6:45 pace)
Saturday: 7 smoke-filled miles
Sunday: 19

Total: 61 miles

PS- this really confuses me, but the "weeks to go" thing means that at the end of the week, I'll have 6 weeks until my marathon. I don't know why the dude that made this plan counts it like that, but he does.

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