Monday, August 15, 2011


Last week was a "recovery" week with reduced mileage. I felt really good until Saturday when I did 8 miles with 10 x 100 meters and I swear I felt like I could not get any air in my lungs! After each of the last 4 I had to stop for about 15 seconds before I could resume running again. I blamed it on the heat and the smoke from the dismal swamp fire that continues to burn (and is only 10% contained as of yesterday). I felt kind of crappy for the rest of the day on Saturday, but still made sure to be hydrated and carb-loaded.

On Sunday we got a late start. As much as I hate waking up early I would rather get started at 6 rather than 7 because there are far less people on the trail and it's much cooler. Pete and I started our slow 2 mile warm-up together, 8:30 and 8:25 for the first 2 miles. I felt like complete garbage and couldn't catch my breath again. I actually felt like my lungs were burning. Of course I sucked it up and started my marathon pace run, after a quick stop to stretch. The first mile felt great, came through the half in 3:18 so I slowed it down a little and ran 6:50 for the first mile. Mile 2 was a 7:02 which was fine. Then I focused on keeping that pace to the turnaround at 5 miles where I would refill my water. Mile 3 7:04, whoops gotta pick it up. Mile 5, 7:07. Shit. By this point my lungs were really screaming and I was having trouble lifting my legs. I powered through mile 5 in 7:00 then stopped and basically hyperventilated as if I had just raced a 400 all-out on the track.

Suddenly I had a flashback to 2003 and 2004 when I remembered feeling exactly like this. It's such a strange feeling. I know I'm in good shape, and 7:00 per mile should feel easy. I just did a 6 mile tempo at 6:30 per mile 2 weeks ago. It's low iron! I started to think of all of the symptoms I experienced then and now, and what I had to do to fix them. I haven't trained this much since 2004, so I guess it was just a matter of time.

After Pete and I finished our run (I ended up running 14 total, but didn't do the rest of my marathon pace) we first went home and showered and figured out where to eat lunch. When we got to the restaurant, I looked through the menu and picked out a burger with roasted tomatoes, cheddar, and bacon. Hold the bacon, please. I also ordered an orange juice, which seems like a weird combo, but the vitamin C helps you absorb the iron better. Anyway, it was ok, I felt a little naseous when we left but it thankfully passed. We stopped by Target to get a multivitamin, raspberry emergenC, and SlowFe. SlowFe contains ferrous sulfate, which most doctors recommend because it is better absorbed. The multivitamin contains ferrous fumarate, which is another compound containing iron. I asked the pharmacist if it was better to get the name brand, but she said the Target brand is just as good so we went with that.

Last but not least: no coffee, tea, sugar, soda, etc. for awhile, especially with the supplements. They interfere with the absorption of Iron. No fun.

Week Summary:
Monday: off
Tuesday: 9 miles
Wednesday: 9 miles (6 x 800 meters workout)
Thursday:6 miles recovery
Friday: 11 miles in 1:24
Saturday: 8 miles w 10 x 100
Sunday: 14 with 5 at marathon pace
Total: 57 miles

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