Long run yesterday, 20 miles in in 2:34:11, 7:42 average. Pete and I drove to the oceanfront, started at about 6:30 am... of course it was very hot and humid again and there was a lot of smoke in the air for some reason. I paced Pete for his run, which was supposed to be 7:40 average, then I finished the last 8 miles on my own.
Our splits:
mile 1: 8:48 sloooooooow
mile 2: 8:09
mile 3: 7:47
mile 4: 7:41
mile 5: 7:34
nile 6: 7:44
mile 7: 7:40
mile 8: 7:41
mile 9: 7:32
mile 10: 7:40
mile 11: 7:45
mile 12: 7:34
mile 13: 7:30
mile 14: 7:23
mile 15: 7:45
mile 16: 7:29
mile 17: 7:36
mile 18: 7:38
mile 19: 7:38
mile 20: 7:28
I wish I had been closer to 7:30, but I also didn't want to push it after last weekend. After the first two miles I averaged 7:37 which is a little better.
The rest of the week was just mileage, no big workouts since it was supposed to be a rest week. I hit 70 miles this week, for the first time probably since college. Next week is supposed to be a "rest" week as well, but I still have to make up a 12 mile marathon pace run, which I think I will do on Sunday.
Kinda feel tired today, and a little sore. Probably because we were entertaining family all weekend and we spent all day Saturday at Busch Gardens and all day yesterday at the beach in the hot sun. I feel like I've been downing fluids all day every day and barely getting enough in. (Hmmm... maybe I should have skipped the beers yesterday and just stuck with water?)
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