Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Week Four... Olympic Fever!

We're in Lake Placid celebrating our two year anniversary...and not running. Unfortunately I'm using a lot of muscles that I don't normally use and I'm really sore! We might go for a run tomorrow, but we've been saying that every day. I feel a little antsy, like I want to go for a run. I think that's a good thing though. I'll be excited to start up again later this week.

Week four went like this:
Tuesday 14 miles total
Wednesday 10 miles
Thursday 5 miles recovery
Friday 11 miles
Total: 40 miles

We cheered on our brother in his first tinman (half ironman) and we've been kicking back since then. Sunday we hiked Whiteface (my fourth time, Pete's first time), toured the Olympic sites, rented stand up paddle boards, and met up with some family that lives nearby for a four person four-hour dinner. We also drove by the Olympic Training Center, the site of many fun APXC times at the OTC Peak When It Counts Running Camp.

Training resumes Friday and I have an 18 miler on Sunday before my sister's baby shower... I think I'm going to enjoy this time off until then.

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